OEVE certification

Dear friends,

Romania is undoubtedly a country with a long wine-growing tradition. The Romanian wine market is also experiencing an accelerated dynamic and consequently advertising, a system for monitoring and certifying the specialist supply. This need arises as a result of two main factors: the refinement of consumer taste and the development of an increasingly competitive environment.

Wine cellars, wineries, wine bars and restaurants, specialised departments of supermarkets – and, in short, any retailer offering wines to the market – can benefit from certification. Why? Because in a Romania of the European Union and of information easily and freely available through a free internet, the Romanian consumer is more and more obviously aligning himself with Western demands: he makes his purchase decision especially when he has the guarantee of certain standards.

In the triad involved in the wine industry (producer-trader-consumer), each party naturally pursues its own interests.

OEVE (Ordo Equestris Vini Europae) is not a professional organisation with financial interests in the market. This is the main reason why we believe that OEVE, through its Oenological Commission, has the credibility to guarantee a fair and objective certification based on strict criteria. An elite body, the OEVE Oenological Commission is composed only of members with an irreproachable professional activity in the wine industry, specialists in various fields. Added to all this, of course, is the international notoriety of the OEVE, a cultural organisation active in 28 countries, with more than 5000 active members who adhere to a strict and precisely targeted doctrine: “for the culture of wine and for the homage and presentation of noble wine.” It should also be added that OEVE-Consulate Romania is the only organization in our country member of the FICB (International Federation of Bahá’í Brotherhoods), based in Paris.

The certification system we propose is based on a series of carefully chosen criteria: quality, diversity, storage capacities and conditions, presentation and/or serving methods, pricing policies, etc. Certification is valid as long as the criteria on which the assessment was based are maintained.

Its aim is to materialize in a series of benefits that will support all actors on the Romanian wine scene. The certification aims to stimulate producers in their efforts to produce wines of a high quality level, and to encourage traders to constantly improve their offer. Of course, we always keep in mind the end consumer who, by identifying the certification plate, will be sure that he is in a location that meets the standards necessary for quality trade.

We are convinced that our approach will contribute significantly to strengthening the relationship of trust between all those involved in the Romanian wine trade.