Moldova Wine Expo, Bacau, 19-21 May 2023

On 19-21 May 2023, the Expo Moldavia Wine Fair was held at Central Plaza Bacău, where the Romanian Consulate of the OEVE participated with its own stand.

The event started on Friday with the Knights’ Evening and continued on Saturday and Sunday with presentations and tastings of wines and traditional products, conferences and masterclasses, as well as tourist and HORECA offers.

We thank the confreres involved in the organization and smooth running of the event: Coordinating Marshal Eques Dan Preda, Legate I.Bacău Eques Eugen Burcă, Legate I. Bucovina Eques Dragoș Danubianu, Legate II.Bucovina Eques Constantin Maierean, Cdt.S.C.Bacău Iudex Iulian Boghiu), the organizing confrere Consiliarius Corneliu Pricope and all the other confreres present at the event;

In Honorem Dei et In Honorem Vini!

Amicitia per Vinum!