Episode 1 – The 8 Cornered Cross

Eques Ornatus Bogdan Gîlculescu

The 8-cornered cross of the OEVE insignia is the classic Pattee cross, specific to medieval monastic orders. It was taken over from the Knights Hospitaller by the Order of the Four Emperors as a statement of principles regarding membership, as fighters against the 8 evils of the Earth – disease, desolation, homelessness, hunger, madness, guilt, indifference and mistrust. The cross of the Order of the Four Emperors had on its sides the initials of the founders of the Order: Henry VII, Charles IV, Wenceslas I and Sigismund, and in the centre the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire. The OEVE cross adapted the initials to the Order’s slogan – IHDV (IN HONOREM DEI et IN HONOREM VINI), placing the vine symbol in the centre. The same message also appears in a formula adapted to the main message of the Order – AMICITIA PER VINUM, the motto of the Romanian Consulate of the OEVE.