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Backpacks for the children of the Podgorica dobrogeni

On September 26, 2015, premium wine producer Alira organized the Harvest Celebration, an annual event that has become a tradition at the Aliman vineyard. Beautiful weather, impeccable organisation and the involvement of the guests as grape pickers were the perfect ingredients for a successful event. A delegation of the European Order of the Knights of Wine was also present at the celebration, on which occasion, at the initiative of Proconsul Eques Bogdan Gilculescu, the Romanian and Moldovan Consulate of the OEVE donated 50 personalized backpacks to the children of the employees of the Aliman vineyard. We are convinced that the charitable gesture of the wine knights brought a smile on the faces of the future vine-growers of Dobrogea.



From the world of wine

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From the world of wine

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