Certification Wine Bar Corks Bucharest – 26.07.2023

The Romanian Consulate’s wine quality certification project continued with a new location! On the evening of 26 July, the unveiling ceremony of the certification plaque took place at Corks Wine Bar in the Old Centre of Bucharest, which, following the evaluation made by Consiliarius Andrei Orbeșteanu, supervised by Eques Sergiu Nedelea, was classified with 4 Pahare, according to the well-known system.

The ceremony was attended by members of the Bucharest Legate and their guests from other Legates, as well as members of the Consular Council. OKT Eques Ornatus Marius Farmazon, Proconsul 1, officiated the ceremony and handed over the certification contract to Mr. Ovidiu Logigan, owner of Corks Cozy Bar. The leaders of the Bucharest Legate, Eques Dan-Silviu Boerescu and Eques Costin Dinu, were happy to have with them Eques Paul Stoicescu-Drăgușin, Rector of the OEVE Romania Academy, Iudex Gratzian Mărgărit – Consular Chamberlain, Consiliarius Radu Ciordaș – Legate 1 Silvania, Iudex Ștefan Gogotă – Commander of the Baia Mare Chivalric Chair. A total of 18 OEVE members and 2 candidates participated, as well as other guests. The ceremony was followed by a friendly meal, where Cava, Prosecco and Horincă de Maramureș were tasted.

The program for monitoring and certifying the quality of wines offered to Romanian consumers continues in August with a new location!

To wine culture and the homage to noble wine!


In Honorem Dei et In Honorem Vini!

Amicitia per Vinum!